The women of SNL swing into action as the Women Of Congress

On last night’s pretty unimpressive, Halsey-hosted Saturday Night Live, at least all the female cast members got to play superhero. Or, rather, super-legislator, as a short film about “The Women Of Congress” saw the women of SNL dressing for battle in their suffragette whites to battle the man whose blatant misogyny, racism, and all-around pig-ignorance inspired them to run for office in the first place.
And run they did. And kick. And use the occasional blow-dart. All with cool nicknames, as the incoming and incumbent class of female lawmakers all introduced themselves in the introduction to a Charlie’s Angels-style action series. (Why Charlie’s Angels? Don’t worry about it!) There was the leader, Nancy “Madame Clap Back” Pelosi (Kate McKinnon), who proclaimed, “I’m so woke, I can’t close my eyes.” Melissa Villaseñor brought back her Twitter-tapping Alexandria “I Say What I Meme” Ocasio-Cortez, who will dog-walk you. Leslie Jones’ Maxine “Don’t Go Chasing” Waters might already have a badass nickname (“Auntie Maxine”), but, as Jones’ Waters boasted, she’s here to make Trump say uncle. And so on.
Again, while the comic timeliness and satirical brilliance of having Donald Trump (in the voice of Alec Baldwin) operating as the energized, ass-kicking women’s orders-dispensing Charlie escapes us for the moment, the legislators combined, disdainful rage at Trump boasting about being the reason so many women ran for and were elected to congress ends things on an appropriately angry note. Watch your ass, Donnie—Halsey’s Rashida “Impeach The Motherf***er” Tlaib is on the case.