One-slash wonders: 20 horror villains who never got another stab at fame
These one-and-done monsters and maniacs didn't launch their own franchise. But are any of them worthy of a return?

Clockwise from top left: The Burning (MGM); Shocker (Universal Pictures); Valentine (Warner Bros.); Trick ‘R Treat (Warner Bros.); The Prowler (Sandhurst) (Screenshots: YouTube) Graphic: Rebecca Fassola
The horror genre was made for sequels, which explains why we’ve seen Dracula dozens of times and characters like Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees have persisted for decades. It’s a realm of cinema so ripe for franchises that it’s often more notable when someone isn’t brought back.
In the realm of “one-slash wonders”—horror big bads who appeared in just one film and never scored a second chapter—there are lot of famous faces. While some definitely deserve a long-awaited follow-up, others are probably best left in a single installment. From slasher classics to new menaces, here’s a chronological list of 20 one-shot horror villains, and our thoughts on whether not they’re worthy of a comeback.
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