New Captain America: Brave New World trailer dives into the paranoia
It's kind of like The Parallax View, if The Parallax View ended with a giant red Harrison Ford punching people.
Image: Old man yells at Cap (Credit: Marvel)
Ever since The Winter Soldier, the Captain America sub-set of Marvel movies has played hard into their spy-thriller aesthetics. Still, there’s “paranoid for a superhero franchise,” and then there’s the new trailer for Captain America: Brave New World, released at D23 Brazil today. The latter is going, like, full Parallax View, with its focus on Anthony Mackie’s Cap investigating an apparently brainwashed Isaiah Bradley, to say nothing of all those creepy black lines and split-screen shots filling the thing, and the weird flickering effect on all the lettering. All of which feels a little silly when the trailer reminds us that the big, terrifying threat it’s building up to is a giant red Harrison Ford, but still: It’s some sinister stuff.
In addition to Mackie and Ford—the latter looking pretty unhinged even before the shirt comes off—the trailer also shows more of Giancarlo Esposito as the movie’s more overt bad guy, and Danny Ramirez, who’s reprising his role from The Falcon And The Winter Soldier. (Meanwhile, if you want the other half of that particular team-up, check out the new Thunderbolts* trailer that also dropped at D23 Brazil today.) It also contains hints that Ford’s President Thunderbolt Ross is more of a pawn in a larger scheme than anything more sinister; he definitely doesn’t look happy to be turning into a Hulk in the brief glimpses of the transformation we get.
Captain America: Brave New World arrives in theaters on February 14, 2025, leading us to imagine a Valentine’s Day poster where instead of a heart in the middle, it’s Harrison Ford’s big red face. Sorry, we’re still getting distracted by this; we swear we’ll try to get it together by the time the movie actually comes out.