Cameron Diaz un-retires for new Netflix movie with Jamie Foxx
With the help of Tom Brady, Diaz will soon get Back In Action

The world may be going to hell in a handbasket, but the rom-com is back, and its queens have returned to save us. At least there’s something to celebrate!
Yes, if you suddenly felt a deep sense of peace wash over you, that was Cameron Diaz coming out of retirement for one last heist. Actually, we don’t know if this will be the last–maybe this is just the beginning of the Cameronissance. Regardless, she’s signed on to star in Back In Action, her first film since 2014.
Her co-star Jamie Foxx (who happened to also co-star in her last film, Annie) announced the news on Twitter, writing, “Cameron I hope you aren’t mad I recorded this, but no turning back now. Had to call in the GOAT to bring back another GOAT. @CameronDiaz and I are BACK IN ACTION—our new movie with @NetflixFilm. Production starting later this year!!”
Attached to the tweet was a recording of a phone call in which Diaz confessed how “anxious” she was. “I feel excited, but I don’t know how to do this, ya know?”she said.
Foxx offered to phone in a friend for some advice–none other than Tom Brady. “I was talking to Jamie and he said you needed a few tips on how to un-retire,” the seven-time Super Bowl champion said. “I’m relatively successful at un-retiring.”
According to Variety, plot details for this new movie–directed by Seth Gordon (Horrible Bosses) from a script he wrote alongside Brendan O’Brien (Neighbors)—are being kept under wraps. Based on the title and the Tom Brady assist, there’s clearly a meta layer at play with Diaz being “back in action.”
Truthfully, an actor un-retiring is rarely a surprise, but Diaz has been upfront about finding peace in her decision to stop acting. “I stopped, I really looked at my life, and I saw what I had been [missing],” she told Gwyneth Paltrow back in 2020.
Observing that actors are “infantilized,” she added, “I really needed to know that I could take care of myself, that I knew how to be an adult, that I knew how to navigate the world of the complexity of being an adult and having responsibility and putting all the pieces of my life together the way I wanted it to be put together—not the way other people thought it should go.”
It sounds like Diaz’s eight-year retirement was a pretty healthy exercise, so hopefully she’s able to retain that sense of peace she found. Still, it’s pretty exciting to have her–well–back in action.